1. Famoid

This is among the top-rated checkers that can give you details about your followers and also some analytics about the Instagram account. You will get the exact number of followers and the number of people who have unfollowed your account. Note that the stats for the number of people who have interacted with your account for a week will be displayed. It might be your followers or other Instagram users who are not following you. Your posts with the highest number of likes and comments will be shown and the number of shares done per post. This will help you know the kind of content your audience likes most in your feed.

2. InstaFollowers

When looking for the number of followers on your Instagram account, all you have to do is type your username. You need not input a password for results. When searching for another person, you will not be tracked since this exercise is done anonymously. If you wish to check out the number of followers using this tool, you should enter the username of your Instagram account or any other Instagram account then click on the “Check” button. The number of followers will be displayed.

3. Tucktools

This tool has various features such as hashtag generator, video downloaders, fake tweet maker, and Instagram Bio make. Hashtags help your profile grow and get more recognized by other Instagram users. It is essential to know that the username and other data you input while using this tool are not saved. This means that it is secure and third parties cannot access it. You can also search for another person’s follower count with this tool. The other person will not be notified in any way that his or her account has been searched.

4. Counts Live

You can see the number of followers based on different dates. This will help you see how your follower count is growing or decreasing. Counts Live will display to you the followers who have blocked you from their profiles and those who do interact with your account as much. A spam account can also be detected when you use this tool. Beware that spam accounts reduce the activity on your account. It is up to you to remove the ghost followers or just let them be on your follower list. This tool could be used on Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube.

5. Instastatistics

Instastatistics shows you the real-time number of followers on your Instagram account. You can also see another person’s number of followers by putting their correct username. The stats of your account can be displayed. This is the engagement with your followers and the type of content they like most from your profile. You can track the growth of your Instagram account by checking out the Account Reach rate.

6. InstaBlogs

With this tool, you can check out the number of followers your Instagram account has. The engagement can also be shown which helps you know how your Instagram is growing day by day. An Instagram user may wish to check out the statistics regarding his or her account. Statistics in this case mean the engagement on your account, the content your followers like most, and the number of profile visits among many others. The exact number of people you are following will be displayed. The number of posts on your feed will be shown.

7. Gwaa

This tool is most convenient for people with business Instagram accounts. It will help you know the number of people visiting your profile in a day or 7 days on average. All the changes that occur in your account will be shown with the help of this tool. You are guaranteed to get the results within a very short time. The account stats are updated every second. This implies that even the slightest change affecting the account will be displayed.

8. Speakrj

You can analyze the statistics of any Instagram profile provided that it is not a private account. The growth of your account could also be monitored by this tool. Suggestions will be provided on how you could manage your account for better growth. Note that when you check out another person’s Instagram profile, he or she will not be notified in any way. You will see the average number of likes, estimated earnings, and engagement of the Instagram account.

9. GhostHunter


This is a tool that will help you keep track of the people following you on Instagram. You will also know where these followers come from. This helps reduce scammers and ghost followers who might affect the interactions of your profile. This tool can work as a cleaner since it eliminates ghost followers and scammers. Therefore, GhostHunter protects your account from experiencing low engagement due to such followers. Pseudo accounts could also be categorized as scammers. You can use this tool by typing your Instagram, username the clicking on the “Start analysis” button. Your results will show the  Content recommendation, Audience Reach, Sponsorship, Subscribers and Engagement Rate categories from how they were before and the current state.

10. GetInsta


This tool not only shows you the exact number of followers but also provides you will a lot of add-on features that help grow your Instagram account. With the click of a button, you can unfollow all the people who you follow but are not following you. If you acquire the premium version of this tool, you can view the performance of each post on your profile. Suggestions of how you can increase the engagement of your Instagram profile will be provided.


The essence of using an Instagram follower count checker tool is to make your profile attractive and enable you to interact with people all over the world. In business Instagram accounts, these tools will be beneficial to you in such a way that your online store looks reliable and to be trusted. You could use hashtags to reduce the possibility of losing followers.

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