1. Water

There are many things you need for survival, but water is the most essential one. It would be better for you to put your water supply in a bladder to save space. You can use a portable water filter to get clean water when hiking or hunting, Also you can put platypus water bottle/tank in the bottom of your back as backups.

2. Food/Snacks

Hiking all day can make you pretty hungry. So what food/snacks should you bring? You bring some high-calorie protein bars such as mixed nuts. Another option is to bring your favorite pre-packaged freeze-dried meal with a jetboil.

3. First Aid Kit

You should carry a small first aid kit in your hunting pack in order to handle unwanted situations. For example, you may get some scratches when going through the forest or get some itches when the ants bite. In those situations, you have to have a first kit aid. You don’t need something big, a simple first kit aid to keep yourself comfortable. Here are the basic things you need for a hunting trip: Bandages of different sizes, hand sanitizer, chapstick, pain, cold, and digestive medication, an extra lighter, extra pack belt buckle, paracord, duct tape, moleskin, and water treatment drops.

4. Boots

Your hunting trip won’t be successful without quality boots. Good boots are expensive, but you get what you pay for. They help you move faster and feel more comfortable during your hunting trip. Meanwhile, a cheap pair of boots may destroy your trip because they can’t make you comfortable while running and protect you from the hard and sharp rocks. Check out the best hunting boots for cold weather: https://archerytopic.com/best-hunting-boots-for-cold-weather/

5. Rain Gear

You will need different rain gear depending on where you are hunting. If you are in places that seem like raining for days, you need the type of rain gear like Helly Hansen Impertech. Or if you are going to hunt in places that are usually dry, you can use “breathable” rain gear. It is light and works great. You can even dry it out frequently. The only problem with this kind of rain gear is that it is not actually waterproof. Hence, you may get wet even wearing rain gear.

6. Quality Clothing

While hunting, you will experience several things like crazy weather. In those situations, it is essential to bring quality clothing that can cover all the bases. The quality clothes may be expensive but remember one thing, you don’t need fancy, high-tech clothes with the price of over $1000. You only need the basic ones that are comfortable, tough, and fast drying. And you can easily buy a complete set of clothing for around $500 (it would be much cheaper if you buy second-hand clothes).

7. Knife

It is important to have a good field dressing knife in your back. This is because you will use your knife in a lot of things such as taking apart a sheep or cutting the rope. That’s why you need to do a lot of searching for a good knife. Make sure you have not only a sharp, strong blade but also a convenient drop-point blade for fast and easy cleanup. Additionally, you should buy a knife with a colorful handle like an orange handle. Why? The bright handle will make your knife more attractive so you can recognize it easily among the rocks, soils,…

8. Space Blanket

Another thing that you should have in your hunting pack is a survival blanket. It weighs almost nothing and hardly takes up any space. It also keeps you warm at night when you end up tracking an animal late. Besides, it can be a signal that saves your life when you are unable to travel from your location. For example, you have a broken leg and could hardly walk around, the space blanket can be your only chance to attract the rescuers. Thanks to the shiny and reflective nature space of the blanket, you can unfold it under the hot sun to reflect the sunlight and signal for help.

9. Flashlight/ Headlight

Flashlight/ Headlight is a must-have tool for a hunting trip. It is because you may go hunting later at night. You will need a great flashlight/ headlight to see what is around you or in your path. You will also need the flashlight/ headlight to track the animals. It’s a good idea to have a great flashlight with 300+ lumens. In addition, remember to bring extra batteries just in case.

10. Lighter

You never know when you might need a lighter so carry one always. You may need a lighter to start a fire when you decide to post-camp for the night and take a rest. Additionally, the fire will help you stay away from wild animals like snakes, tigers, etc. You can also the lighter to burn the end of some paracord to solidify a knot.

11. Rangefinder

It is important to carry a rangefinder with you when you’re hunting. It is a small and fairly lightweight device that helps you shoot more accurately. Rangefinder helps you measure the distance to a target to allow for projectile drop and ensure you make an ethical shot.

12. Baby Wipes

You will have a much more comfortable hunting trip if you bring baby wipes with you. Because you will need them when you have to go to the bathroom out in the woods, get mud and dirt off your hands before you eat, wipe any blood off of you after field dressing an animal, etc.

13. Battery Pack

A battery pack could make a significant difference to your hunting trip. You will need to charge your phone, your camera gear, etc. So remember to have your battery pack in your hunting back.

14. Glassing Optics

It is challenging to go hunting without solid glassing optics. You will need the good glass to see your targets from a long way away, sometimes up to 4 or 5 miles. The high-quality glass may be expensive but it is necessary to spend your money.

15. Rubber Gloves

Another thing to have in your hunting pack is rubber gloves. You will need them while dressing any animal because you never know what bacteria or parasites an animal might have. Without rubber gloves, you may get sick if you have even the smallest scratch on your hand when dressing the animal. Therefore, bring at least two pairs of rubber gloves just in case one goes missing.

16. Hunting License

You can’t go on your hunting trip without your hunting license. Hence, put it in a plastic bag to protect it from the elements like rain. You may get caught if crossing by a game warden with a wet and illegible hunting license. Do you think they are REALLY essential for a Hunting Trip & Did I forget something else? Leave a comment below to let me know!

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