Lots of new information, juggling multiple tasks, being far away from family and friends… All of it makes the beginning of studying challenging and can cause stress. But are there any ways to begin the academic year productively and diminish stress? Sure! Here we will cover three useful tips. They will help college students adjust quickly and overcome all the challenges.

Tip 1: Use Some Additional Help

Yes, it is that simple. There is no shame for students in using some additional help to study more effectively and productively. In the long run, it helps reduce stress and academic overload, which comes with any studying year. The trick here is to do some research and find the right resources which will fit the needs of every particular student. To make it easier, the learner can create different categories. For instance, there can be productivity, time management, academic success columns. Having such a list will help you find the right resources in less time. For example, to boost studying, the student can use various educational resources, such as College Admission Writing platforms or online-courses. There are also lots of apps that help in keeping track of time and being more productive. For example, Pomodoro time trackers. Determining the right helpful resources is a personal journey for every student. But it makes the beginning of studying year less challenging and more effective. Definitely worth trying.

Tip 2: Pay Attention to Mental Health

The beginning of studying — especially in colleges — is a stressful period for many students. As Harvard Medical School reports, the start of the college is associated with a higher risk of events which can be stressful. Moreover, it can lead to some mental health challenges.   If so, college students need to be extremely aware of their mental health state and pay attention to any worrying symptoms. These can include:

lack of energy anxiety inability to perform routine tasks, such as keeping up with personal hygiene

These clues, but also many more, indicate that the student may need some additional help. Luckily, there are lots of places and professionals to turn to – for example, a college counselor or various support groups. Often they function right on campus and can provide help for every student who experiences stress.

Tip 3: Eat. Sleep. Repeat

The beginning of studying is overwhelming due to the massive amount of different tasks. Learning, trying to make new friends and participate actively in college social life, part-time work, romantic relationships… There are so many issues to address. As a consequence, some students start to neglect more basic but crucial tasks — such as sleeping and eating well. The logic is simple: it seems that studying well or working part-time is more important than sleeping or cooking a nutritious meal. After all, it takes up some valuable time that the student can spend elsewhere! Beware, such logic is dangerous. Sleep deprivation and lack of nutrients may take a toll not only on physical but also on the mental health of the student. If so, it is crucial to take enough time for self-care — sleeping well and eating healthy are the core parts of it. For example, the student has to make sure to get enough sleep. National Sleep Foundation recommends that younger adults have 7-9 hours of good night sleep. Ultimately, it will make the student more productive and resilient regarding any challenges. The same goes for eating healthy. Taking some time to prepare nutritious meals, full of healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, the protein, will be extremely beneficial and will help you reduce stress.

Final Words

The beginning of the studying year can be as challenging as it is exciting. Luckily, there are some ways to overcome this tough period. Getting additional help, paying attention to the mental and physical state, making sure to get a good night’s sleep and eating healthy – these tips may seem quite simple. But they are powerful, and can really make a difference when it comes to a challenging academical year.

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