With the new year coming around the corner it’s no surprise that certain trends are already starting up. New year means new goals, new aspirations and new passion for all the things going on in your life. So let’s take a look at some of the top new trends coming your way and how they can help you have the best new years you can possibly have!

1. Feel the Clean, Love the Feel

First on our list is something that you could argue has never actually been a trend in base from – and yes, we are talking about soap! Cleaning agents in general have been around as long as humans have had the desire to scrub the dirt and oils from their skin and feel refreshed and sanitized. The market for soap is as robust as it’s ever been with everything from dish and laundry detergent to hand soaps, body washes and shampoo! So how does soap become trendy and attractive this next new year? The answer – Bubbly Belle soap bars. These beautifully, handcrafted and handmade bars of soap do more than just keep you and yours eating at the dinner table with clean hands, they are a beautiful work of art that’s good for the soul! Made with all natural, organic materials and crafted like works of art, these beautiful bars of soap will make any sink seem like part of a luxury spa. Enjoy the clean, safe ingredients, silky soft texture and powerful cleaning agents as you experience soap like you’ve never experienced it before.

2. Gut Health Has never Been Such a Good Time

Every wish you could get a great buzz while also doing your body some good? Well Tepache to make your wildest dreams come true. This fermented beverage is rich in probiotics and only uses the freshest of ingredients. The family history surrounding Tepache speaks to its authenticity even now. Building on a rich history using fresh pineapple, brown sugar and an assortment of different fruits, this delicious beverage can be paired with many meals. It’s great for spicing up the holidays by adding it to your favorite iced cocktails like a pina colada, as well making it the secret ingredient in your margaritas during your summer parties. On it’s own this delicious drink can be served on ice and has a very low natural alcohol content. If you’re looking for something fun, impressive and down right delicious then Tepache is one trend you’ll want to jump on!

3. Powerful, Organic, Trusted

What better new years resolution is there than getting more out of life! The number one way to experience the most out of your day is making sure that you are getting not only the proper amount of sleep but the best quality. This is never more true than for your little ones! If you can ensure that your precious family members are getting rich, beneficial sleep it not only improves their lives but also yours! Organic all natural and safe sleep drops help to not only promote rest and wellness in your little ones, but even have probiotic properties. You literally can’t go wrong investing in all natural supplements when it comes to making sure the most important members of your family are getting the quality rest they need!

4. Self Care to a Whole New Level

There is very little that can compare to much needed selfcare. In fact, the trend for self care has been popular for a bit now and we don’t see it depreciating. The world is a vastly fast paced and hyperconnected place. The ability to work from home and take your job remote somehow infringed on margin and tightened the circles we used to keep around our personal lives. The benefits of living in this kind of a world are vast – however the challenge is high. In the midst of that challenge it’s so important to remember and take care of yourself. As the new year is coming around this fact is holding true. Finding self care routines can be a little intimidating when you’re just starting out. How in the world do you justify doing all of this for just you? How can you actually take time out of your week to just focus on making sure you’re taken care of? For those who have families or are caregivers, these questions only become more complex. However, there is one daily routine that you can implement in your morning or evening rituals that won’t over impose itself and can greatly improve your well being. That routine is exfoliating skin care. Exfoliation is simply the gentle removal of dead skin.Your skin is the largest organ on your body and as such it is constantly at work to protect you and keep you healthy. Using organic, wholesome products to help you daily wash out dead skin cells keeps your skin healthy, clean, vibrant and ready to take on life’s challenges. So do yourself a favor and add this simple step to your daily routines and watch it impact your life this coming year!

5. Supplements That Are Powerful

Something we can guarantee about this coming year is that you will face the same kinds of challenges that you always face. The year is full of promise and you have so much good ahead of you, but it will still be a challenge to get everything done in one day. Chances are you weeks, your schedule, your family will still be demanding and you’ll still struggle to learn how to juggle everything and keep a balance. When it comes to tackling a fast paced life, proper diet, rest and nutrition is key. But how in the world are you supposed to find the time and the energy to add more to your plate then you already have? The good news is that products such as fish oil supplements will become your best friend!

6. Acupuncture – It’s Time to Do It!

There’s never been a time better to experience the powerful effects of acupuncture. What better way to experience this ancient art and take a first step towards it than in the privacy and peace of your own home with the accupressure matt. No this won’t be the full acupuncture experience, but it’s designed to help alleviate stress and promote muscle wellness of the same fundamental principles!

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