Even though it sounds easy, the process might get tricky if you do not know the right ways of doing things. Today, we will share the best secrets to a successful e-commerce platform migration. Keep reading to find out!

10 Secrets to a Successful E-Commerce Platform Migration

Are you tired of managing the complicated functions of the current e-commerce platform you use? Do you find hosting your store a stressful job? If you said yes, then it’s time that you migrate to a different platform because that might help. We would recommend you go for Magento development because our experts believe it is currently the best e-commerce platform in the market. Are you eager to know more? If yes, then stay hooked until the end!

Create a Plan

Nothing goes right without a proper plan. Hence, it would help if you create a plan for your migration. You will need to sketch out the new requirements your store needs, the shop’s design, the necessary data to be transferred, and so on. If you move forward without a plan, then things might not work out the way you want them to!

Make a Team

You can be a master of all things when managing your online business, but migrating your e-commerce platform can get hectic if you do it alone. Hence, it would be best to hire a team to help you with the shop’s setup.

Create More Selling Pages

A store has multiple pages, but it is useless to stuff your site with pages that don’t sell. If you are to migrate your e-commerce platform, then design it so that it consists of more money pages because those increase your chances of earning more money.

You Don’t Need to Migrate Customer Passwords

Migrating passwords can get hectic while choosing a new platform. Hence, we would advise you to skip that part. Instead, send a notification to your customers and ask them to create a new password. It will also help you increase the reach of your website, which is an additional perk.

Look for Interns

As said before, you will need a team to help you out with the migration. However, if you have a small business and do not have enough money to spend on a team, you can hire interns willing to work at a reasonable price.

Do Not Deactivate your Previous Platform for a Few Weeks

If you have recently migrated to a new platform, it is good to keep the old one active. It is so because you might need some data from the old database, and deleting the previous site might cause trouble in extracting the data. It is best to delete the old website after a month or so.

Focus on Website Ranking

If you want to increase your visibility among the customers, prefer hiring professionals who can help you with SEO and analytics. Focusing on SEO has become an integral part of marketing these days. Doing it from the very first day of migration will help.

Do an A/B Test

As said before, keep the old platform alive for a few weeks. Then, design the new site in a different pattern than the old one. See if things are working out as they did before. If not, then redesign the website as the previous one.

Launch in a Smaller Group Before Announcing the New Site Publically >

The best strategy of making sure that your new site is as good or even better than the previous one is by introducing it to a smaller group of customers. Take their feedback and make changes accordingly before public announcement.

Do Not Hire a Different Support Team Unless Required

It is a bad idea to fire your existing support staff and recruit new ones for the new platform. Continue working with the old team because they already know the best about your business.

Final Word

We hope this article has helped you unleash the secrets to a flawless migration process. Follow our tips, and you will rock while creating your new b2b e-commerce development. So, which of the secrets did you like the most? Do share with us!